August 30, 2004

September 27, 2004

October 25, 2004

November 29, 2004

January 30, 2005

June 25, 2005

July 25, 2005

August 29, 2005

September 26, 2005

Dennis the Menace

Heroes Bookstore

Al Bigley

Gerry Mooney Studio

NCS Website

John Lemmon Films

Greg Russell

Kevin Siers

Tom Haines' Stand Up Stuff

One Night in NoDa

NoDa Screenwriters Group

Next Lunch Date:
Monday, Oct. 31, 2005, 11:30
Heroes Bookstore

Welcome to the home page of the "By George" luncheons. I'll be maintaining this site for the benefit of all Charlotte-area cartoonists, graphic artists, hangers-on and groupies who would like to participate or simply stay abreast of our get-togethers.

I've been adding at a steady rate. Be sure to scroll all the way down on each page, as I'm adding a "More Photos" section at the bottom little by little.

Please send me links to your sites and I'll add them to the list at left.

Gerry Mooney

Our first gathering, August 30, 2004. L-R standing: Gene Payne, Kevin Siers, Shelton Drum, Bill Pitzer, Jayne Breisacher, Jeff Breisacher, Rob Bradford, Jim Scancarelli, Don Sherwood. Kneeling: Al Bigley, Gerry Mooney, Marcus Hamilton, Tammy Breisacher.